
Picross meets dating sim in this romantic comedy adventure! You are Pixel Girl, a superhero with the power of "pixel puzzle-solving." Turn your problems into picross, then solve 'em to save the day! Join the Puzzle League and date up to four of your fellow puzzle-themed superheroes, before the Villain third-wheels you with his doomsday plot! It’s an adventure for players who love puzzles, and want to *love* puzzles... seriously, you can date a giant puzzle piece.


Pixel Puzzle Makeout League started as an experiment in Summer 2017 for a dating sim-themed game jam. After gaining enough press to determine the concept's value, a team was assembled from all corners of the internet—with some people joining PPML as their first project in game dev! During development, Rude Ghost and collaborators have taken the game to conventions across the US and Canada, and have touched the hearts of several game-likers. Pixel Puzzle Makeout League launched on October 30th, 2020, three years from when the journey humbly began.


  • Join and date the Puzzle League: a group of 4 superheroes based on crossword, sudoku, chess and jigsaw puzzles
  • Over 250 pixel puzzles to solve: your superpowers make puzzles a part of the narrative
  • A supernatural plot weaving in multiple dates with each character
  • Exotic date locations: a café, the library, mountain climbing, and the center of the earth?!
  • Twists, turns, thrills, chills, puzzle fun, and puzzle puns! It's not over until the ending!

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 "Pixel Puzzle Makeout League does one of the best jobs I’ve seen of fusing [pixel puzzles] with another genre. The puzzles are awesome, the world is wild, and the story is engrossing." 

- Neal Ronaghan, NintendoWorldReport

"Pixel Puzzle Makeout League delivers a memorable experience from its compelling puzzles to its grand themes."

- Julia Good, Indie Games Plus

Content Creators & Footage Policy

 Rude Ghost grants permission for the use of in-game audio and video for the purposes of commentary, previews, reviews, or “Let’s Play” style content, including on ad-supported videos, streams, or channels. In the description of the video, we ask that you include a link back to the game.